Job Seeker Tips

As a job seeker in the competitive South African job market, it is essential to create a professional online presence to increase your chances of being noticed by potential employers. In this digital age, social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be powerful tools to showcase your skills, qualifications, and achievements. Are your social media accounts already the best they can be? Then start looking for jobs on Job Mail today, and apply for the ones you’re interested in!

In today’s article, we will explore the various suggestions for building your online presence, including using LinkedIn and other social media platforms, and how they can be applied in the South African context.

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Various networking platforms to use for creating a professional online presence

1. LinkedIn

As a job seeker in South Africa, it's crucial to explore LinkedIn, a professional networking platform with over 740 million users worldwide. LinkedIn allows you to create a profile that showcases your education, skills, work experience, and other pertinent details. It's essential to keep your LinkedIn profile current and accurate, highlighting your qualifications and skills. Incorporating relevant keywords like your job title and industry can optimise your profile for search engines. You can also ask your past colleagues and employers to provide recommendations that can increase your profile's credibility.

2. Twitter

Job seekers can also leverage Twitter. It’s a platform that may not be considered a conventional job-searching tool but is useful for networking and keeping abreast of industry trends, which is crucial. By following industry leaders and participating in relevant conversations related to your field, you can enhance your visibility and demonstrate your expertise. Additionally, Twitter can be used to share links to your content, which can help get you noticed or help establish you as a thought leader in your industry.

3. Facebook

People looking for jobs can also utilise Facebook to establish a professional online presence. Although it may not be as commonly used for professional networking the way you would LinkedIn, it can still be a useful tool. By creating a professional-looking Facebook account that highlights your accomplishments and skills, you can connect with potential employers and other professionals in your field. Facebook also has tons of job groups where recruiters and employers share vacancies, so it can serve you in a job-search capacity as well.

4. Personal website/blog

In addition to using social media platforms, there are other steps you can take to create a professional online presence. For example, you can create a personal website or blog that showcases your skills and expertise. This can be a valuable tool for demonstrating your knowledge and experience to potential employers. You can also participate in online forums and discussion groups related to your field, which can help to establish you as a thought leader and increase your visibility.

Finally, it is important to ensure that your online presence is professional and appropriate. This means avoiding posting anything that could be considered offensive or inappropriate, as well as ensuring that your social media profiles are set to private if necessary. It is also important to regularly monitor your online presence to ensure that there are no negative comments or posts that could harm your reputation.

Other social media platforms you should review before you start your job search (if you have accounts there attached to your name) to ensure it has a professional appearance:

  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Medium
  • TikTok
  • Quora
  • Reddit

While social media can be a powerful tool for networking and building personal brands, an unprofessional social media presence can have negative consequences, especially when it comes to job searches.

Employers often rely on social media to investigate potential hires, and any unprofessional behaviour exhibited online can greatly influence their hiring decisions. Sharing inappropriate or offensive content, involving oneself in online conflicts, or demonstrating a lack of professionalism can all diminish one's chances of securing a job.

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Tips to help you get noticed

Here are some tips to keep in mind when building a professional online presence:

Use a professional tone and language: When creating your online profile, ensure that your language and tone are professional and appropriate for your industry. Avoid using slang, inappropriate language or making any controversial statements.

Keep your profiles updated: It's essential to keep your online profiles updated, including your education, work experience, and any relevant certifications and achievements. Ensure that your profiles accurately reflect your current skills and qualifications.

Utilise relevant keywords: Use relevant keywords in your online profiles, such as your job title, industry, and skills, to optimise your profile for search engines. This will make it easier for potential employers to find you.

Showcase your accomplishments: Highlight your achievements and accomplishments in your online profiles, including any projects or publications that you have contributed to. This will help demonstrate your expertise and credibility.

Use a professional profile picture: If you choose to include a photo, use a professional profile picture that presents you in a positive and appropriate manner. Avoid using any images that may be deemed unprofessional or inappropriate for your industry.

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Engage in professional networking: Connect with other professionals in your industry through social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter. Engage in relevant conversations and share your knowledge and expertise to increase your visibility and credibility.

Be mindful of your online presence: Be mindful of your online activity and interactions. Avoid posting or engaging in anything that may be perceived as unprofessional or inappropriate for your industry. Ultimately it’s your choice to post and share what you want online, but it will play a part in your job-search journey since recruiters and employers will do their due diligence when it comes to your application.

Suggestions for creating a professional online presence




Keep your profile up to date and accurate, use relevant keywords, and ask for recommendations.


Follow industry leaders, engage in conversations, and share relevant content.


Create a professional account, and connect with potential employers and professionals in your desired field.

Personal website/blog

Showcase skills and expertise and demonstrate knowledge and experience.

Online forums/groups

Establish thought leadership and increase your visibility.


Ensure your online presence is professional and appropriate for your industry. Regularly monitor your online reputation and be mindful of your online interactions.

Creating a professional online presence is essential for job seekers in South Africa. By using social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as other online tools like personal websites and blogs, job seekers can increase their visibility and showcase their skills and expertise. It is also important to ensure that your online presence is professional and appropriate and to regularly monitor your online reputation. If you’re comfortable with your professional image online and you’re looking for a new job, start your search on Job Mail today!

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